Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My sister Michele sent me this link to an article about parenting
(ignore the slight pretentious natute of it's title)
Even though our bun is still in the oven I've become increasingly interested in parenting guides and have been mentally forming my own ideas about raising mister man. and after reading this months visiting teaching message about our divine responsibility to raise our children I'm even more intrigued.

quoted from the article
"Could it be that teaching children how to delay gratification—as middle-class French parents do—actually makes them calmer and more resilient? Might this partly explain why middle-class American kids, who are in general more used to getting what they want right away, so often fall apart under stress?"

I've decided I want her book. teaching children patience could very well help me improve mine, right? and she talks about food and how those French parents are getting their children to eat like adults by just eliminating "kid foods" all together! and no all day snacking on junk? I'm absolutely on board with that. except at first when he will be eating all day every day for the first several months.

just thought I'd share

1 comment:

Jessica Havican said...

I just recently read this article too! I wish I would've seen it before I had Janen because now I am trying to back track, but it's not always easy. However, I do feel like we have been making progress. It's pretty easy to reason with my daughter compared to other kids I've seen and their meltdowns. This method really does work!