Sunday, January 5, 2014


I've been meaning to update for an entire month it seems, but with the Holidays at hand time was just rushing past me. I made a real effort to not let myself become so busy that I wouldn't be able to appreciate the holidays, and really it was very nice year. We stayed home which was nice. It's always sad not to have the people we love to celebrate with us, but there is also something special about having just the 4 of us together.

I made an early Resolution a few months ago to become less attached to the electronics in my life and I feel like it's had a positive impact on me. I had originally only planned to do it for a month or so but I think I might just stay Facebook free. For now at least.

Henry is 6 months old in 6 days. I cannot believe that! He's almost crawling now, and really he gets around pretty quick just wiggling and rolling toward the things he wants. I can't get enough of that boy with his wide eyes and big toothless grins. And he makes the cutest noises! Aside from his grunts and snores(which I also adore) he squeaks and coos and it kills me every time.

Cecil is old enough for nursery at church now and it's so fun to see him interact with kids who are his age. He recently (overnight it seems) developed a realization of possession and he runs around the house all day taking his trucks and hot wheels from Henry. It's not the cutest thing, but I'm sure he'll figure out sharing soon. He's an incredible climber and we always seem to find him up on the kitchen table. He loves anything with wheels, and will pretend that just about anything is a train if he can push it along the floor and say "tooo toooooo" 

I'm so ready for Cecil to be potty trained. We've tried a few "naked days" but there has been more pee pee on the floor than in the potty just yet. I think it can be done soon, I just need to clear my plate a little bit so I can dedicate an entire week (at least) to being in full training mode. 

1 comment:

LaRee said...

So Cute....Their getting so big!...Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend!