Friday, January 24, 2014


It's a new year but I can barely believe that its been a year since last January in Texas. Sure we've done a million things as a family and so on paper it makes sense, but holy goodness, where did the time go?

Last year I didn't make any resolutions. I think I was just trying to get through the year most of the time actually. I was ready to give birth, ready to move, then ready to settle down. But NOW, I am settled. I'm not feeling rushed towards any one thing and life is a lot more calm. At least as calm as 2 babies and 1 mom inside a house for most of the day can be.

So when 2014 hit, I said to myself, this is the year of productivity for me. and I mean that in kind of a selfish way. I spend the majority of the days trying to be the best I can be for the boys in my life, the little ones and the big one, but a lot of the time it really stressed me out, and sometimes I felt like I was losing myself. I have a lot of things I would like to start doing for myself that are really just for me, and this is the year where I find the balance and the time to start working on those things

So I've made these goals for myself

Make 10 event Cakes this year (if I have no events, just make the cakes anyway)
Stop yelling so much (more about finding my balance)
start sewing those projects I never could find time for

and so this year, I'm going to hold myself to these promises. I know they might seem simple, but that's because they are. And simple or not, I can tell that this year is going to be a good one.

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